Rashid Al-Ghunaim
Lawyers and counselors

❖ Foundation of Rashed Al-Ghonaim Law Firm (the ‘Firm’) comes as culmination of a long and professional career of more than twenty (20) years of Rashed Al-Ghonaim as practitioner and former judge. Since its inception, the Firm is an active participant in providing legal advice and representing Government entities and businesses. The Firm is recognized as providing high quality service in numerous practice areas particularly litigation.
❖ The Firm comprises leading practitioners and researchers of diversified experiences ranging from serving in the judiciary, private practice and legal advisors accumulating rich expertise in local and international law firms. This ensures better understanding of judicial culture and profession, besides robust technical knowledge. Our practitioners enjoy diversified professional and academic backgrounds – Our team comprises:
1. Formers judges with practice in Saudi courts and courts in other jurisdictions;
2. Our practitioners have the right of audience before Saudi courts with distinguished academic qualifications;
3. Our Lawyers are admitted to practice law in different jurisdictions with previous work experience in local and international law firms reflecting diversified know-how, experience and specialties;
4. Specialist researchers in comparative jurisprudence and legal matters