Islamic finance

The Firm provides a spectrum of services to its clients in the following practice areas:
First: incorporation of all types of financial organizations:
Forming finance companies; following-up the formation requirements before all competent authorities (such as the Saudi Arabian Monetary agency, the Ministry of Commerce and other similar competent authorities).
Second: finance products services:
a. Real estate finance products:
1. Structuring, developing and drafting real estate finance products (including main contracts/ agreements, implementing documents and manual procedure relating to each respective product) based on Islamic main contracts: murabaha, ijara muntahia bitamleek, istisna, diminishing musharaka, covering all types of real estate finance:
a) Financing for acquiring villas and apartments;
b) Financing for acquiring real estates through ijara mawsufa fi thima;
c) Financing for acquiring land plots with or without permission for building;
d) Financing for acquiring residential and commercial buildings – with designing legal mechanism for repayment from rental proceeds.
2. Development of secondary products and legal mechanisms supporting main products such as:
a) Co-borrowing arrangement based on two persons sharing the burden of repaying financial obligations ensuing from the finance contract/ agreement;
b) Financing for non-Saudis;
c) Programs for financing employees of industrial and commercial companies;
d) Sharia mechanisms for re-financing;
e) Sharia mechanisms for transferring obligations under a finance agreement to a new customer.
b. Movable assets financing:

Drafting contracts for financing movable assets (cars, goods and machineries) pursuant to conventional Islamic contracts such as murabaha and ijara muntahia bitamleek.
c. Products for availing cash:
Tailoring products for availing cash to customers based on tawarruq, ijara (purchasing real estate assets from the customer and then lease the same asset to the customer according to ijara muntahia bitamleek) and other appropriate Sharia products.
Third: consultation services for financing:
1. Reviewing contract templates for financial institutions and amending the same to conform to the legal requirements under finance laws and their implementing regulations;
2. Analyzing of the advantages and disadvantages of the conventional contracts of Islamic finance, legal risks, Sharia compliance issues, and recommending appropriate templates satisfying commercial, market, and legal requirements of customers.
3. Developing procedural manuals for finance products properly demonstrating stages for putting the finance products into operation, the relevant documents, means for avoiding legal risks and Sharia and procedure problems.
4. Suggesting Sharia and legal solutions for practical problems that may encounter Islamic financial institutions when dealing with customers.
5. Keeping abreast with the needs of the business of banks and finance companies; providing supporting legal advice in a manner that guarantees compliance with legal requirements governing the business of finance companies as detailed in the finance laws and their implementing regulations; this makes banks and finance companies avoid committing any legal violations or encountering any procedural obstacles.
Fourth: Sharia review and audit:
1. Forming Sharia boards for Islamic financial institutions.
2. Drafting internal bylaws for Sharia boards.
3. Drafting Sharia compliance manuals for Islamic financial institutions.
4. Conduct Sharia audit of transactions undertaken by Islamic financial institutions and ascertaining their compliance with Sharia criteria and rules.

Fifth: litigation
1. Providing legal advice relating to violations, disputes, claims for public and private rights ensuing from implementing provisions of finance laws.
2. Representing clients before Committees for Banking and Financial Disputes and Violations.