Who Us

Complete eye and adult care

We provide a full range of eye care services including LASIK and PRK refractive surgery, eye examination, and vision test for glasses and contacts. All Lasik lasers, cornea and glaucoma laser, cataract surgery, eyebrow lift We offer a full range of eye care services including LASIK refractive surgery and PRK, eye examination, vision test for glasses and contacts. All Lasik lasers, cornea and glaucoma laser, cataract surgery, eyebrow lift. We offer a full range of eye care services including LASIK and PRK refractive surgery, eye examination, vision test for glasses and contacts. All Lasik laser, cornea and glaucoma, cataract surgery, eyebrow lift

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Our vision

There is a proven fact from a long time ago that the readable content of a page will not distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text


(AR) رسالتنا

(AR) تلبية احتياجات مواطن المنطقة و توطين العناية المتقدمة من خلال تقديم الرعاية الشاملة للوقاية والعلاج, وتوفير الإجراءات المتقدمة والتقنيات الحديثة إلى جانب قيم الرعاية والاهتمام.


Our goals

There is a proven fact from a long time ago that the readable content of a page will not distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text

Basic services

Explore our medical services and care


Numbers talk about us


Happy patient

(AR) 500000

(AR) تشخيص النظر

(AR) 10000

(AR) حقن بالإبر





(AR) 5000

(AR) عمليات تصحيح النظر

(AR) 5000

(AR) عمليات جراحية أخرى

Consult your doctor

Our news

Saturday January 4th, 2020

White water operations

There is a proven fact from a long time ago that the readable content of a page will not distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text There is a proven fact long ago that

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Saturday March 14th, 2020

(AR) fghjfthjfhghdtfgtfdh

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Monday April 6th, 2020

(AR) غرفة العمليات

Sorry, this entry is only available in

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Saturday January 4th, 2020

Vision Correction Operations

There is a proven fact from a long time ago that the readable content of a page will not distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text There is a proven fact long ago that

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Saturday January 4th, 2020

Blue water operations

There is a proven fact from a long time ago that the readable content of a page will not distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text There is a proven fact long ago that

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times of work

The first period

from eight in the morning until twelve in the afternoon,

the second period

from four in the afternoon until eight in the evening